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Free Stickers

Looking for free stickers? In this section, AnyFreebies.com offers a roundup of companies that will send you free stickers by mail. Here, you'll also find offers for free decals, bumper stickers, magnets, clings and other similar items. For our roundup of listings for companies that will send you free product samples by mail, go here. If you are aware of a free sticker offer that we don't have listed here, be sure to contact us and we'll consider it for a listing.

Free Zumiez sticker

Follow the instructions to request a free sticker from Zumiez, the specialty retailer. Note: you'll need to send them a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Besides the Zumiez stickers, you'll get an assortment of other stickers from Zumiez's "favorite brands." Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. (U.S. only).

Free MuirSkate sticker

Follow the instructions to get a free sticker from MuirSkate, the longboard shop. Note: you'll need to send them a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Limit: one SASE per person per month. (U.S. only).

Free Hook & Tackle sticker

Scroll down to the "Free Sticker" link at the bottom of the page and follow the instructions to request a free sticker from Hook & Tackle, sellers of premium fishing clothing for men and women. (Note: you'll need to send them a self-addressed stamped envelope). Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. (U.S. only).

Free "Pray" bumper sticker

Follow the instructions and "Pledge to Pray For America" to mark your city on the U.S. map and to get free prayer resources which include a "Pray" bumper sticker and patriotic cards "to use or share with friends."

MTX sticker, magnet

Fill out the form to join "Moose Tracks Nation" to get either a sticker or magnet. As a member, you'll get a monthly "MooseMail" that includes opportunities to win "MooseMerch." From Moose Tracks ice cream. (U.S. only).

Free PETA Kids stickers

Follow the instructions to request free PETA Kids stickers, which can help "you to spread the word about animal rights." (U.S. and Canada only).

Free "Fur is Dead" stickers

Follow the instructions and fill out the form to sign up for PETA's Action Team and request free stickers from PETA featuring messages such as "Fur is Dead." (U.S. and Canada residents only).

Free Lucky Knot sticker

Follow the instructions and complete the form to request a free sticker from The Lucky Knot, the "leading destination for casual, preppy, nautical, and resort-inspired clothes for men and women."

Free "Leave the Phone Alone" sticker

Access the "Take the Pledge" link and follow the instructions to take the pledge to "leave the phone alone while driving" and you can then request a free car window sticker. From the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators. (Canada only).